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Lets Talk About Brunching

Can We Talk? Who doesn't enjoy a glorified brunch with an array assortment of a million choices that, you know you'll only eat six items at the most. In my lifetime I've attended & hosted hundreds of brunches. Truth be told the conversation, connecting and mimosas will have me RSVPing every single time. I'm that girl who enjoys connecting while making lastly memories. Brunching is a time to sit around the table and share the most insightful tidbits into your life while relishing in the details of others. Brunching is a time to connect with old friends and collaborate with new ones. Brunching is the life line for genuine sisterships. Before we can get to brunching, lets attend to first things first. We must get pass the fashion and then on to the good eats. Yes, when the girls get together after the hugs, compliments of how adorably cute the outfit, dress, shoes, purse and those earrings Doll. Yes,the oohs & awwwwws are all part of brunching. Then we are ready to grab multiple plates and dive in.

Join Us for the next "Understanding & Recognizing Your Power" Brunch


Can we just admit brunching is good for the soul. A sweet & savory opportunity to connect with your girls, sisterhood and other women who are on a path of a higher calling. Every woman needs sustenance she can count on. Which is WHY I cultivated NETwork Networth. The mission & vision of NETwork Networth is “Understanding and Recognizing Your POWER.” There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise. In order to rise you must know your NETwork Networth. Then and only then you will become unstoppable.

NETwork Networth is your connection for a community that encourages, empowers and elevates you to manifesting your potential in life. NETwork Networth is an elite lifestyle & business membership platform for visionary women entrepreneurs who want to elevate the growth of their brand personally & professionally. The NETwork Networth elite membership is for individuals who have a desire in elevating their day-to-day presence, content, overall business exposure and lastly. It’s a safe zone for you to develop genuinely supportive sisterships. If you desire to take your business to the next level connecting with potential clients who value your services and are excited to work with you. This membership could be the best investment you make this year. Now, lets talk more about brunching that births mastering your best you. NETwork Networth will host "Understanding & Recognizing Your Power" shine brunches. A mastermind LADY BOSS brunch that will set the fuel for your elevation to a higher level.

Mastering Means You SHINE.

Speak Your Truth

Honor Your Temple

Ignite the Vision Within

Nurture Your Relationships

Elevate Your Mindset: Mentally, Spiritually and Physically

See, as a Lady BOSS I understand the importance of connecting, collaborating and cultivating supportive authentic relationships. I know developing like-minded, mega driven, good vibes relationships can be complex. I'm here to ease that concern by providing you the good news that NETwork Networth was designed to helping women just like you connect with a purpose in mind. If you are ready to invest in a

safe zone of prominent professionals who want to connect, cultivate and create then, subscribe to receive an invite to the next "Understanding & Recognizing Your Power" Shine brunch.

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